Construction Water Treatment

SCHEDULEStart Date: January 2016
End Date: Project Ongoing


During the construction phase of the Burnaby terminal, client contacted KBL to manage the water treatment of their systems on site. KBL has since been managing the treatment and discharge of construction water to environment. The primary challenge of treating this water is the fluctuation of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) and pH levels due to various water sources requiring treatment.


KBL had been contracted to provide two (2) 1000 gpm chitosan enhanced sand filtration (CESF) systems to meet the clients’ needs during construction. The CESF systems are implemented with a two stage chitosan injection which is supported by two 53ft storage tanks to aid with sediment treatment. An experienced team of supervisors were dispatched with specialty equipment that had been carefully maintained and inspected prior to mobilization. KBL staff completed client orientations prior to on site work and complies to site safety requirements.


High pH/turbidity water is treated and discharged to the environment within the parameters of 6.5-8.7 PH to below 20 NTU. The system has built in water quality monitoring, data logging and automated control to ensure water being discharged is within permit compliance. Once KBL receive confirmation from their live results and an authorized client representative has confirmed that the water has reached the desired quality, it can be then discharged to the environment. The project has had a perfect safety record with Zero incidents.